Privacy Policy

We at TKL Steel Corporation understand that privacy is important. Therefore, TKL Steel Corporation has created a privacy policy to help you understand what information is collected from our website, how it is used, and what you can do.

TKL Steel Corporation gathers data when you get in touch with us. This is when you input your personal information in our website, such as your Name, Company Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, (hereafter referred to as “Personal Data”). We make use of this data to get in touch with you regarding our products and services.

By using our website, you agree that TKL Steel Corporation may collect, use, and disclose your personal data while adhering to the Data Privacy Act of 2012. You are also certifying that you are voluntarily giving these data to TKL Steel Corporation through this website. You also confirm that all information you provided is true and correct.

TKL Steel Corporation will keep your personal information confidential. TKL Steel Corporation will not trade or sell your personal information. However, TKL Steel Corporation may disclose information to third parties during the processing of transactions related to your order, for marketing and advertising research purposes, and when required by law.

TKL Steel Corporation also collects technical data such as IP addresses, internet browsers, and web pages accessed. However, this is only for the sole purpose of gathering statistical data as a group, and not for individual tracking.

Links to other websites are also present in TKL Steel Corporation. However, we do not have direct control of how your personal data is gathered and processed by those websites that are accessed from TKL Steel Corporation. If you have concerns about the privacy policies of those links, kindly review or contact them directly.

TKL Steel Corporation does not knowingly collect, solicit and accept personal information from children under the age of 13. In cases then personal information from children under the age of 13 is collected, parents may request for the removal of personal information gathered.

TKL Steel Corporation strives to keep all information on the website accurate and updated. However, the company does not provide any kind of warranty and the company will not assume any responsibility for any errors on the website.

TKL Steel Corporation uses “Google Analytics” to collect information about the behaviors of the users in accessing the website (e.g. frequency of user visit, pages visited, time spent on the website, other sites visited prior to coming to this website, etc.). The information collected is used for monitoring the performance of the website. For more information about how Google processes the data it collects, kindly ready more details on Google’s Privacy and Terms (How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services – Privacy & Terms – Google)

TKL Steel Corporation may change its privacy policy from time to time, as it deems fit. Any change on its privacy policy will be posted here in this website and will take effect upon posting on its website.

For questions, clarifications, and concerns related to the privacy policy of TKL Steel Corporation, you may contact our Customer Service Team at

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