All About Z Bar

All About Z Bar

Z-bar is commonly used for steel window framing, and stiffeners. It is used in interior and exterior applications such as window frames, fences, and garage doors. TKL Steel offers Z-Bar in ¾ and ⅞ inches with various thickness options in 6 meters length. If you have...
Classification & Uses of Steel

Classification & Uses of Steel

Steel is an alloy that contains up to 2% of carbon, the most important commercial component of steel. There are many types and classification of steel – some look at its chemical composition, properties, or uses. Focusing on its chemical composition, steels are...
History of Steel

History of Steel

All about Steel: History, Common Type, and the Most Trusted Steel Supplier Steel is a product that has supported our lives every day in many ways. From our houses and buildings to railroads and bridges, it has proven to be the most widely used material in the...